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A Metaphysics of Mixture

Emmanuele COCCIA
Cambridge,  Polity Press, 2018 [2016],  176 p.
Prix : £ 15,99
We barely talk about them and seldom know their names. Philosophy has always overlooked them; even biology considers them as mere decoration on the tree of life. And yet plants give life to the Earth: they produce the atmosphere that surrounds us, they are the origin of the oxygen that animates us. Plants embody the most direct, elementary connection that life can establish with the world. In this highly original book, Emanuele Coccia argues that, as the very creator of atmosphere, plants occupy the fundamental position from which we should analyze all elements of life. From this standpoint, we can no longer perceive the world as a simple collection of objects or as a universal space containing all things, but as the site of a veritable metaphysical mixture. Since our atmosphere is rendered possible through plants alone, life only perpetuates itself through the very circle of consumption undertaken by plants. In other words, life exists only insofar as it consumes other life, removing any moral or ethical considerations from the equation. In contrast to trends of thought that discuss nature and the cosmos in general terms, Coccia's account brings the infinitely small together with the infinitely big, offering a radical redefinition of the place of humanity within the realm of life.

ISBN : 978-1509531530

Pour citer ce document

, «THE LIFE OF PLANTS», cehta [En ligne], Ouvrages et Revues, Ouvrages, mis à jour le : 08/01/2019
, URL : http://cehta.ehess.fr/index.php?904.

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Centre d'Histoire et de Théorie de l'Art
Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art
Espace Rotonde. Bureaux 140, 141, 142
2 rue Vivienne, 75002 Paris


Direction : Giovanni CARERI
Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 03 85 42

Emanuele COCCIA


Ingénieure d'études: Sabine GUERMOUCHE
Tél. : +33 (0)1 47 03 85 42


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